In October 1982, the family of Román Monge and Uberlinda Quintanilla is murdered, in a place known as Los Raudas, near La Alemania.
“Wartime is not like our time now.
During the war, we used to say, ‘Let’s see who’s next.’ When we were fleeing, there was always someone killed. We had been very lucky not to be killed until then. We always managed to escape, but that day, we couldn’t”
Román Monge
Survivor and victim of the Los Raudas Massacre
Lista de personas fallecidas en la Masacre de Los Raudas, el 11 de noviembre de 1982: Felicita Zamora (abuela), Ana Rita Monge y Valentina Monge (tías), Antonio Orellana (cuñado), Luis, Moisés y Víctor Orellana (primos), Raúl, Francisca, y Patricia (primos), Manuel y Agustín Orellana, Blanca y Lilián Beltrán (amigos).
“For us, it was a terrible massacre, because they were our people. There were many other massacres like this one, but they are not as well-known. There were massacres of many, many people.”
Uberlinda Quintanilla
Survivor and victim of the Los Raudas Massacre
Tree at the entrance to the road to Los Raudas.
Uberlinda and her children, on the way to the site where the massacre occurred.
Segmento del documental:
“Our loved ones were buried here. We came to remember them, to remember the people who died."
Uberlinda Quintanilla
Survivor and victim of the Los Raudas Massacre
Román Monge and Uberlinda Quintanilla live in San José Las Flores with their family.